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Old 18th June 2006
uncpotato uncpotato is offline
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Default Skins lead to crashing (BSP skin maker 1.06)

I was bump into the BSP skin maker 1.06 and have fun with it for a while.

I did nothing new, but just take the old SC2 skin (By Seigo) and make it a bit longer, to make BSPlayer utilize a bit more of my today's standard width of 1024.
(I love skins but not ones that can't resize !!)

I am happy with the results and save it.
BSplayer takes it as a new skin. but having this new skin, BSplayer refuses to open any type of media (MP3/AVI) with this error

BSplayer v2.00.937, Unhandled exception at EIP: 05170399
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
If you have internet connection, it's recommended to send error report, this will help us solve problems faster.
Access violation at address 05170399. Read of address 00000000
Call stack: 00000000,05170399,00404843

If i switch back to old SC2 skin, the error goes away. If I switch skin during playback, BSplayer still runs fine with my new skin (with all buttons working fine) but not until I drop another file to it.

BSPlayer sometimes crashed with runtime error 216 at 00404336.

I did nothing fancy, just change some bmp size & reload into BSP skin maker.
So I don't know who's to blame, maybe BSP save an corrupted file or BSplayer just don't like odd settings with this new skin ??

I attached the ZIP files in the folder.
Attached Files
File Type: zip (42.9 KB, 189 views)
File Type: zip (42.9 KB, 159 views)
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