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Old 28th June 2006
nmr50 nmr50 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tizio
If you want to modify your keyboard definitions press CTRL+P and the Preferences window will appear. Go to "Key definitions & WinLIRC" section and scroll for the action you want to modify (you have to do this both for Windowed and Full screen tabs) and as first/second field set the keyboard shortcut you prefer
Well, the only key I want to use for this play/pause toggle is spacebar, let's end up with "what key to use to". but the Q is STILL here:
I did try to use spacebar on 1st field/empty on 2nd field,
empty 1st field/spacebar 2nd field - not working, BSP just writes "PLAY" in left/top side of window like I'm using 'play' key ___only___, no reaction on second/third/fourth pressing etc.

moreover, when I am trying to set spacebar for both 1nd/2nd fields - for play and for pause - BSP starts shouting that "spacebar is already in use in..." - and - surprise - still no success with toggling play/pause while playing video.

any _real_ ideas how to set up 'SPACEBAR' for TOGGLING play/pause?
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