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Old 28th June 2006
Tizio Tizio is offline
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Ok, did some more tests and I can say that whatever kye combination you assign to PAUSE, if you press the SPACEBAR in windowed mode the Play overlay message appears everytime you press it (in fullscreen mode it doesn't appear)
But other key combination do work well.

If you have problems with your key definitions you have 3 alternatives:
1. Go in BSplayer preferences -> Key definitions & WinlLIRC section and press the "Reset to default" button (in windowed and fullscreen modes)
2. Try to use my program (link in my sign) to delete all the keydefinitions and then reassign them all manually (if you want you can assign them only to windowed mode and let my program to copy them to fullscreen mode)
3. Delete the BSplayer.xml file located in USERPROFILE folder and then reopen BSplayer

Originally Posted by nmr50
moreover, when I am trying to set spacebar for both 1nd/2nd fields - for play and for pause - BSP starts shouting that "spacebar is already in use in..." - and - surprise - still no success with toggling play/pause while playing video.
Since you receive that message, have you tried to remove the assigned key from that ... specific action?

It seems that here you are the only one that is not able to use SPACEBAR as Play/Pause toggling function, so I think that something must be messed up in the configuration settings :?
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