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Old 6th July 2006
Tizio Tizio is offline
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As you can see here adicoto was able to play your test file by using Haali (with subtitles turned ON and also with subtitles turned OFF)
Originally Posted by adicoto
Sorry to jump in, but your file play in here OK, with subtitles activated or not, using Haali media splitter. Unfortunately, Gabest doesn't detect the subtitle stream.
Vobsub and load subtitle into memory are also activated.
I tried to install Haali media splitter on my Windows ME guest os in VMWare and the error message appears when using Haali media splitter and subtitles are turned off, but as speedtrap I used an OS different from Windows XP (the one used by adicoto)
I'll try also with Windows XP.
Can I ask you which OS you used for your tests? Thanks

The fact that Haali and BSplayer don't work well together doesn't mean that haali has problems, but most probably BSplayer is the cause, I think nobody have doubts regarding this :?
but since it's known that BSplayer has problems with haali (at the current state) why can't you use Gabest splitter instead in the meantime?

You reported the problem, it's here in the bug section, you only have to wait for next releases to be fixed.

Don't be angry against us if we don't have problems with MKV files.
And regarding BSPeter subtitle answer.. probably he misunderstood what you meant (or he doesn't know that that kind of subtitles and others are able to display different fonts/colors/styles on the fly while the movie is played by basing on the subtitle script and bypassing the player settings)

All we have tested your file, and are here to try to help you, so please just be patient
When I'll test it with XP I'll write here the results.

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