Here will be reported the BUGs related to BSplayer v2.10.939
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After a clean install of BSplayer the equalizer balance settings are saved all to the left, so (by default) the audio will be outputted only to the left speakers (it's a problem if the user doesn't know how to restore the proper settings) (by
- A redundant
Play (the one to remove) key is saved into the Windows registry for every associated extension (
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\shell\Play) since a
Playbs (the one to keep) key is already present (
- The language files are still the ones for v1.37 (this problem as already been reported several times when previous versions had been released)
- The Explorer shell menu item "Install skin" doesn't work properly when you use a BSplayer language different from Eglish. The "Install skin" item is translated, but the doubleclick function doesn't work. You can simply fix this bug by saving the translated "Install skin" string
ONLY at this registry key:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\BSP.SkinZip\shell\install\ instead of saving it also to this one: