It appears that BSPlayer allows only one video filter, for some reason. Uncompressed
files on disk can be processed fine thru ffdshow. If you absolutely need to watch your videos in BSPlayer and need to do post-processing on them, you can try this temporary (?) solution:
1) Install
AviSynth – a good free video editing package.
2) Create an *.avs script with one line:
* * You can add more video processors, either built-in or available as AviSynth plugins,
if you wish. Many free denoisers, sharpeners, etc are available.
3) Open the script in BSPlayer. It will play as an uncompressed AVI file, with the source loaded (and processed) in the background.
4) If you have installed the ffdshow plugin for avisynth, you can access most if not all ff's functions and create a permanent script for each file you need to denoise or sharpen.