Unfortunally Bleach and Samurai Champloo have not yet reached my country's markets (they're available only in FanSubbed format)
I don't think to have preferred anime, I like a lot of them of really different genres: Noir, Evangelion, Ayashi No Ceres, FLCL, DB, Last Exile, Maison Ikkoku, Excel Saga, etc... I also like really slow sories like Sampei and Minu.. One of my favourite I saw recently is Chobits (unfortunally even this one is available only in English in my country, but they speak really clearly and slowly, so I had no problems at all to understand it

But now I think we really are going off topic.. sorry, but here on this forum it's not present an OffTopic section :oops:
BTW I'm glad to have shared this info with you