Originally Posted by Tizio Wow, a RafkeP substitute :D
We hope you'll be active as a plugin maker  |
I'm not sure if I have the time to substitute someone else but i will try to help where/when i can :roll: so drop me a pm when I'm not around the forums and some one needs a BS plug-in
@~viper~ Here is your plugin
Just copy the dll in your BSplayer plugins folder, start BS, go to preferences ->Plugins and Select BStoTxt from the plugins list to set the output file name.
The Output file will be saved in this format:
Runing Scared 2oo6 --> Line1: movie/file source folder name
Running Scared --> Line2: file name (without extension)
0 --> Line3: days (why not :lol:)
01 --> Line4: hours
56 --> Line5: minutes
36 --> Line6: seconds
Have fun! and let me know if you need any more changes :)