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Old 18th February 2007
Tizio Tizio is offline
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Originally Posted by KidA
thank you. that was helpful because it explained alot of things. but the thing is. I don't have a receiver on my serial port. I have leadtek's DTV card (tv capture) which has input for a remote sensor that is controled by leadtek's remote controler.

I'll see if I can find a link to the product.

now, is it possible to use WinLIRC with that or do I need to have reciever on serial port? thanks!
Mmhm :?
I don't know... Probably you need a plugin for your receiver to work with Girder.. Have you already checked if @ promixis site is available such a plugin?
There are at least 5 plugins for WinFast tuners, you have to try them, I don't know if they'll work with your specific tuner device...

Otherwise you can create your own receiver (I built mine and spent less than 5€ ;) )
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