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Old 20th April 2007
Tizio Tizio is offline
BS.Player Master
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Italy
Posts: 3,037
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Tizio will become famous soon enough

At this moment I'm using PowerDVD filter to play DVDs with BSplayer Pro, Try to download and register these filters:

To register them simply dowbleclick on REGISTER.BAT file and to unregister them dowbleclick on UNREGISTER.BAT (these files have to be placed in the same folder as the AX files provided in the archive)

These filters should be enought to play DVDs with BS.Player Pro.

If you want Elecard decoder take a look here:
(or maybe someone else can provide a link to more interesting infos :roll:)

Why do you say that if you delete PowerDVD folder "doesn't do you any good"? What's the problem in doing it?
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