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Old 17th September 2007
brother brother is offline
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I lost the post link ....
Thx for the answer.

Yep, I deselected the "Remember movie settings" and now it does not remember the window position. :D

The fact is that I want some parameters to be remembred (AR,Subtitles, font... the ones that the contextual help claims to remenber) but not the position:

For me this is the natural behaviour; once you selected the subtitles among several ones, changed the AR for those who were wrong, etc, if you play fullscreen then ok, no problem, but if you want/need to play windowed like when you're reviewing content, then having the window jumping all around the desktop is quite bothering.

I mean, as long as I understood it the first time, and as long as I (imho) think this is a usual way of working, I would suggest to render those both commands to be independent.


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