Originally Posted by BSPeter AC3filter and WinAmp2 DSP plugins are two seperate issues. In as far as I know they can be used independently from each other.
If BS.Player is using AC3 filter this should be shown (with moviefile loaded) under
rightclick > Options > Filters > Advanced.
For using BS.Player with WinAmp2 DSP plugins please check under
rightclick > Options > Preferences > Audio > [WinAmp2 DSP plugins].
Maybe this helps you on your way.  |
Well, i have a problem too, i use BSPlayer Pro 2.24, i use winamp's DFX8 with the BS, when i run any movie that uses AC3 sound Filter the DFX gets disabled and its window (The DFX window) disappears!? , but it works fine with any other movie that uses MPEG3 sound, how can i solve this problem?
BTW, when i run any movie that uses AC3 sound in - the winamp while using the winamp's DFX or in the WMP while using the WMP's DFX or in the RealPlayer while using the RealPlayer's DFX - it works fine, the problem happens only with the BSPlayer!.