Which DivX version did you use? A _LOT_ of people that use 5.02 or 5.03 are having problems similar to what you're describing. Version 5.01 seems to be the only version that works for most people.
Secondly, there has been a lot of alerts regarding some versons of the Nimo pak - I don't remember which ones though.
My suggestion is to uninstall the Nimo pak. Then uninstall DivX 5 _IF_ you're using 5.02 or 5.03, and install DivX5.01 (just to be safe). Then get ffdshow ver 20030103 and install it (and remember to copy the .dlls to the Windows/System32 directory). This combination has worked flawlessly on the 10 systems on my network (they are not all the same configuration by any means).