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Old 26th October 2008
Tizio Tizio is offline
BS.Player Master
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Tizio will become famous soon enough

1. You can check the "Global key" checkbox to enable system wide shortcuts (that work also when BSplayer is not the active window)

2. Good suggestion

3. This option can be added to BSplayer, and yes, it would be really useful (also my notebook has the MM keys with Play/Pause on the same button)
Maybe by adding a check box with the caption "Play and Pause use the same shortcut" (in this case only Play, or only Pause keydefinition will be considered)
But I don't know if BSP authors will implement this

4. This happens because you set the same button to two actions (as you stated at point 3) and BSplayer only takes one of them (and luckily it handles Pause before Play, otherwise you'll end up with a not functional Pause button that in my opinion is worse than a non functional Play button)
If feature at pint 3 will be implemented this problem will never occur again ;)
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