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Old 26th October 2008
kulakov kulakov is offline
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Thanks for the answer.

1. Sorry, overlooked that. But when I did so it didn't work. Perhaps it only works with regular keys?
2, 3. I don't think it is worth an option. Using a single interface element for both Play and Pause is very natural and widely used, the player might understand it intrinsically and simply not give a warning at all. The 2 functions never conflict.
Implementation - I think the only difference with the current one is that Pause cannot be performed without playback. The player already has some intelligence regarding what to do - Play or Pause when the key is pressed. As far as I could see it selects Play when it's paused and Pause otherwise. The only mistake with this approach is that it selects Pause when it's stopped while it should Play. So all they have to do is check whether the player is stopped and if so play, not pause.
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