Beside that problem, however i wonder another thing whether it has a relationship or not. For the video named "Nescafe.mpg" (see its link below:);
In my desktop computer (Geforce 4 MX440 64MB, 14" monitor(don't laugh, it's really old i know and 1024x768 desktop res, using same BSplayer version and same video file, Nescafe.mpg), "Video Size" in Movie Info is shown as: 352x240, Aspect: 4:3 (320x240)
On my notebook computer that uses same video file (On-board 8MB Trident Cyberblade Aladdin Ai1, 13.3" LCD display, i know it's also too old, don't mind) and "Video Size" in Movie Info is shown as: 352x240, Aspect: 704000:439440 (384x240)
(both computers have 1024x768 as desktop res.)
What is the reason of that difference?
"Iceman" will never be melted...