Yes, both bugs were reported earlier, I am sure the team it's working hard to fix them. Thank you for posting and let's hope for a quick solution to the problems.
For the subtitles folder, you can go to subtitle preferencies and set there default folder to search for subtitles.
As for the video problem, please tell us what video card do you have.
Multumim, Sergiu, pentru faptul ca ai reusit sa decoperi cauza erorilor, ambele au fost deja semnalate. Si de asemenea pentru solutia salvarii subtitrarilor online. Speram sa fie reparate cat mai repede. In preferintele subtitrarii poti seta folderul implicit in care sa caute subtitrari.
Ce placa video ai ?
Offtopic: pune SP2 sau SP3, pe motive de stabilitate si securitate.