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Old 27th July 2009
zombie_juggernaut zombie_juggernaut is offline
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ok, i see that the codec manager is a seperate program in the webteh folder in program files, i was looking under preferences in the player. thanx tho. Anyways, divx keeps stealing the focus, and it doesnt care what u do to the options, so getting older version of that too. And yes, alway on top was the first thing i tried, and it didnt do anything.

So yah just reinstalling and redownloading the codecs worked, thanx for the tip on looking at what filter is being used.

But now that all my videos play the BSPlayer options wont listen for shit. It will not stop starting in full screen mode, but both check marks for that are unchecked (the one under video and the one under playlist) but when i checked the playlist fullscreen last night to see if that would keep that focus on BSP it didnt even seem to do anything. All the sudden, today, after watching like 10 music videos and a couple foamy cartoon it just starts playing everything in fullscreen, moves the screen to the top left and resizes it all narrow and tall and super small, which is the oposite way i have set all the preferences. why would just freak out like that?
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