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Old 11th September 2009
Scream Scream is offline
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Default Volume and subtitle correction sugestions

I have a notebook(Asus X58c).

Some movies when played in BSPlayer, have a very low sound.
When I play the same movies in players such as KMPlayer, or VLCplayer, their volume is loud enough.
KMPlayer has a volume bar of 200%. BSPlayer really needs that!
I hate it when I have to watch a movie in KMPlayer just because I can't distinguish words in BSplayer because of the volume being too low.

Regarding the Subtitle Correction feature.I've never quite found it useful.
If a subtitle is good, but out of sync, I can never make it show up correctly. That's because it's dumb.
You should make it so that when pressing CTRL+ LEFT ARROW(once), the subtitle should jump back one second.
Example: If the character says "hello" now, and the subtitle shows up that "hello" after ONE second, by pressing CTRL+RIGHT ARROW, the subtitle should show up correctly.

I've found tons of working subtitles, but with a few seconds of delay. I've tried sync-ing it for ages(pressing ctrl+ left arrow once, waiting to see if it's right, pressing it again, after that pressing ctrl+right arrow, and so on).

I'm a BS Player user for years now and I've never used any other player.
It trully is the best player, BUT it needs some features added/modified!

On an other note: You should really trim out the right click menu. It's huge!
The EXIT should be on the bottom of the menu. Just above exit, it should be About. And above About, it should be BSPlayer forum link(you should really consider removing this). And all 3(or two) should be in the same group(group = just like "about" and "bsplayer forum" links are grouped together), with "Exit" at the BOTTOM of everything....

And an other suggestion: why not make it so that the cursor immediately disappears when entered in full screen?

Last edited by Scream; 11th September 2009 at 02:18 PM.
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