first of all, sorry for the long answer, i hope i won't produce confusion...
i didn't say that the subtitles are "wrong", but they are meant for a larger screen width, or a smaller font, or the author used another prog to render the subtitles, and he/she haven't figured that this could cause problems...
anyway, since i've had enough of this too, i did some searching on web and i got two solutions at this problem.
1) the easiest one: to use a different player which supports how to split the lines. examples of such players:
--ViPlay 2.06 from URUSoft ---
--XVid ;-) from VetchZone --- (this has nothing to do with the xvid codec!)
Note: i haven't tried any of these players, so i don't know if they are any good, i just hope that soon enough bsplayer will provide such option!
2) the easy one: to use a subtitle editor. again, URUSoft provides a solution here, with Subtitle Workshop v2.01 ( ). it has a function called "Smart Line Adjust" which breaks the line after a specified number of characters. but since the width depends on screen resolution, font and font size, i wouldn't call this solution "smart". it's pretty dumb but it does its job well. anyway, to see what i mean, you can spend a few minutes downloading "Subtitle Editor" (, a 240 KB program which can repair a few things about the subtitles, unfortunately not the "line too long issue", but it has a good check routine for long lines.
a smart and USEFUL routine would -- if possible -- split the line:
a) after "." or "," or "!" or "?"
b) or before " -".
but for start the urusoft prog does its job.