I somehow found that as a possible cause right after posting the original message.
I feel silly quoting myself:
There are 2 choices [for subtitles] in the newer bs player versions and the 1st one would stop working while the 2nd one (the one that gets poor results [getsubtitles.org]) is still working. Now both dont find anything.
There is another problem. As I'm using win7 and aero overlay gets disabled by default and the new option to display subtitles under the EVR video is extremely handy so I'm using EVR.
I'm pointing this out as previous bs player versions had picture jumping back and forth current and next frame 10 times a second for as long as the bs player text - such as volume change % and time remaining change - was on. The current bs (252.1031) is working 100% fine with no picture jumping so I'm inclined to keep it.
However, as I've said, no subtitles are being found on either provider. The first one appears to try to find some and fails, while the getsubtitles.org displays "no subtitles found" as soon as I click to search for them- giving out the impression its not even trying.
I fear that subtitles will comeback online without me knowing it, and I'd rather not uninstall this version as its working fine with the problem described above.
Will I get subtitles back when the original sub provider comes back online with my current version?
Thank you