Originally Posted by BSPeter This information is contained in the mp3 files itself, so if it doesn't show, it probably isn't inthere.
In Media Library rightclick on the file and select 'Properties'. Anything shown under [File info] [ID3v1] and/or [ID3v2] tags? 
If not: try if [Update from file] (button at bottom left) changes something.
Or (if nothing there) add the info yourself and click on [Write to file]. |
Well i've tried the "Update from file" button, but it doesnt work.
And although the fields are blank in the file info,ID3v1 and ID3v2 (including the Titel field.), the Titel still shows, its only the album and artist thats "invisible".
and if i try to change anything and save in those fields, the "Write to file" is grey.
The mp3 files are not set to read-only (dont know if thats the right translation, but i hope you understand anyway.)
What i dont understand is that it is the same files that i had in my old Bsplayer media library, and back then the albums and artists names showed.
I've tried to use and play the mp3 files in the Windows Media Player, and it works fine, all the names are working as they should be.
I've also right clicked the mp3 files and checked the properties of them there.
All the names are correct there too.
I hope you understand my typing, and excuse me if my grammar or spelling is incorrectly, because english is not my "main language".
I thank you for you help so far, although it didnt fixed my problem.