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Old 7th October 2010
LoWang LoWang is offline
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Thumbs down ehm

Guys I am sorry to cool down your joy, but this is not a solved issue at all :o I tried several combinations of said settings and none of it works. I would not think of it being related to this problem anyway, so I am not surprised. Everytime I switch to full screen the video is stretched with cropped sides. Anyway I don't understand how can this setting be related to a problem with full screen if it is to remember zoom. Even in the window mode if I zoom it using mouse or keypad + and close the video and then open it again it just does not work and the window is back to the original size, so it seems this setting does nothing. At least for me :-] I enjoyed BSplayer quite a lot some years ago, but now I find myself not being that happy about it

I have also another problem maybe it is related - some of my movies are now terribly broken with missing pieces of image when some scenes change. It does this also in media player classic and windows media player. I guess I have some problem with codecs, but the interesting thing is that it works flawlessly in GOM player :-\ Any thoughs?
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