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Old 19th October 2010
adicoto adicoto is offline
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Can you upload a sample of such a file ? You didn't mention that there were files captured by you. I would like to test such a file.
On the other hand, none of the programs we talk about have the posibilty to take 100 % of CPU usage (in BSplayer's options you can set it's afinity but I believe you don't have such a new version). So, the OS doesn't allow to all aplications to have acces to full CPU usage, that's why you will notice that even if it does not use the CPU at 100%, some proceses will run slowly (such a capture device). If I am corect, to do a WMV capture and on-the-fly compresion for a resolution of 576x384@29,97 you will need at least a P4 @ 2GHz CPU (that excludes older Athlons, most of the Semprons and Celerons)
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