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Old 18th September 2011
joel Brostrom joel Brostrom is offline
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Default BSplayer laggs when sub is on

yes, this is a problem with the aero settings on your vista/7.
In BSplayer, go to menu --> options --> preference. Now, in the left side bar, click video. This should bring up a a window to the left containing a lot of checkboxes. Ignore them!

Instead look abow and you should be able to see four tabs. Click on the one called "video rendering". Now find the scrolldown menu called "rendering mode". It should be somewhere in the middle.

This is where the problem lies, the rendering mode is most likely set to "EVR Enhanced Video Rendering" which in it's present stage does not work with aero. To fix the problem, simply change the rendering mode to "Internrendering Overlay (standard).

...and wooola! everything works fine!

Note however that whenever you start BSplayer, Windows will change from Aero mode to Xp mood. This will later change back whenever you close BSplayer

Hope this helped!
Best reguard
Joel Broström
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