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Old 4th November 2011
Bikonja Bikonja is offline
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Ffdshow does not HAVE to be used, so, it would be better if I could somehow get a screenshot/framegrab of the video regardless of ffdshow. However, I *think* that ffdshow is used in most cases. If I'm right in that assumption, then it would be ok to use ffdshow, yes.
But, if so, I could only find a .NET sample to interact with ffdshow. Since I'm already here, is anyone familiar with how to use ffdshows grab option from c++?

I did not see that post and I've already ordered my Arduino and led lights for the Amblone project, plus, Amblone is open source which allowed me to tweak it already (even though I haven't actually built it yet) to show my caps, scroll and num lock indicators with the lights, so, I would rather stick with Amblone, even though that's also an impressive project and it can grab overlay frames.

Also, I've dug around the BsPlayer plugin SDK and I've seen that I can call the frame grab action, but, it just does the frame grab feature with it's output to a file and notification on OSD. Would it be possible to grab a frame to memory?
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