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Old 8th November 2011
Bikonja Bikonja is offline
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I'm not sure how you're getting the image out of print screen, maybe Aero is running which uses overlay or something else is running that is using overlay so bsplayer defaults to playing without overlay, but for me, print screen does not get the image from video (and also, a weird thing happens, when I paste the print screen to paint, the rectangle where the video should be is actually a "window" to the overlay (if the location of the rectangle in paint coincides with the video playing in the background, it actually shows the video). But, when saving the file, even if video was visible in paint at the time of save, the saved image does not contain the video image.

BSPeter already pointed me to Rafke's project, but, as I said, I prefer Amblone (for reasons read my original post).
However, I'm intrigued by the idea of using a filter. I did google it before, but couldn't find anything, however, I did find some resources on making a filter so I'll try it out, maybe I manage to make a filter for frame grab.

.NET is real easy to use, Microsoft has really made and effort to make programming as easy as possible without losing too much control.
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