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Old 4th January 2012
adicoto adicoto is offline
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Just tested an MKV file. Strange thing.I personally prefer internal renderer because, IMHO, on my computers works the best. So, I've swiched to EVR to see and stumbled uppon 2 interesting things.
1. having external RAR/IDX files, BSPlayer play the file with stuttering. (same file, previous build worked OK)
2. Using an external .srt file, it works OK
3. I don't have ATM an MKV with internal subtitles to test how it works.

4. Frame rate reported when playing the file....59,94 fps. File is certainly 29,97
5. After swiching back to internal renderer....29,97 fps.

Something is wrong here.

Using Gabest MKV, CoreAVC, AC3filter
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