Apparently not work
"C:\Program Files\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe" "[D:]\[S01E01\Season 1]\[asd.bsl]" -stime=6500 -hide
"D:\S01E01\Season 1\S01E01.WS.PDTV.XviD
.avi" -stime=6500
"C:\Program Files\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe" "[D:]\[S01E01\Season 1]\
[asd.avi]" -stime=6500 -hide
All test in Shortcut Target: and Apply
.avi or asd
.bsl Playlist is
.bsl format
Apparently not work
OS:Windows 7
BS.Player PRO 2.62
- Other ideas are welcome.
- StartTime and EndTime is a good idea at present
- Hopefully will appear in the next versions BS.Player PRO. StartTime and EndTime
"already asked five years ago" So we have to wait 100 years to appear 
- I wish something useful for many. Avi file to Playlist and (For All users)