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Old 15th January 2013
deepset deepset is offline
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deepset is on a distinguished road
Default No Audio on any files

I am using Pro version 2.57. I was watching a movie and skipped thru some boring section when the player had an error and had to close. Ever since then no video has any sound.

Any other program (i.e. Window Media Player, Media Player Classic) work perfect, just not BS.Player

I have uninstalled and reinstalled 2.57. Installed the Free newest version, and still no audio. I reinstalled my 2.57 version.

I have uninstalled all the codec that the manager updates, and reinstalled them.

When i am playing a video and go to audio > audio streams.. depending on the movie it will say English [undetermined], or GPAC ISO Audio Handler [undetermined], or nothing at all.

Can someone please lead me to an answer, this one has stumped me and i miss my BS.Player.
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