ok adicoto ! i've got the message ! but you know , it's just a computer that my lil'bro let me because he bought a good stuff for his job... so....
for the codec pack, i read on the emule-france site , that to use bsplayer you've got to dl sld codec pack.....
by the way bspeter , i use your link and i try (once again) the tip of Katharsis with the resolution switched to 640x480/256 colors but i still have the overlay failed warning message and moreover, i 've got "display hardware is not capable of color-space conersions.Switching to RGB" !!!
so i guess my hardware is simply too bad to play decently videos.... it's such a shame ..... !!!
once more : thx to all of you for trying to help me !
fedhman kassad from hyperion