... after furter testing it looks to be subtitle related....
If I disable subtitles in Options the problem disappeared !
If I enable subtitles in Options it goes like this:
- at random it freezes when loading avi/mp4/mkv video file and there is the baloon in tray area searching for subtitles on one or more sites;
- if it loads video and play there come the window with online subtitles to choose from, but if I choose to close BS.Player now, it closes and generate the bsplayer.exe window "A error occured in the application." with send bug report; show bug report; continue/restart/close application buttons. Bugreports were attached in the first post.
- if it loads video and play there come the window with online subtitles to choose from, I download what I want or not, I close it (if successful download of subtitle there may come at random the error window reported before), and the freezes occur at skipping inside mp4/mkv files, at random. If the subtitle was already downloaded the freezes occurs too. The same for mkv files containing subtitle. Never for divx contained in .avi files.
In Options the default languages for subtitles were set by BP.Player: rum,eng.
I observed freezes even if in the playlist were mp4 videoclips, each shorter than 10 minutes - they do not require download of subtitle.