Originally Posted by lloser Hi guys,
I wonder if BSPlayer is still under active development? When you look around here, none of the developers seem to be answering questions anymore. I'm afraid it's going downhill with BSPlayer and there should be an official statement about the future of this really good piece of software. I'm using the free version up to now, and for a while I considered supporting further development by buying a licensed version, but I've got serious doubts, if my money is a wise investment at this stage.
Any comments on that? |
BSplayer dead?
Realistically: Yes! Looks like dead!

Optimistically: No.
... but complete BSPlayer Team in vacation, enjoying life, having fun, ... *)
... or alpha-testing, working hard getting new version quickly ready for late 2019... or is it 2099?
Its a million $ question: Will we users live long enough to see any of our recent feature requests implemented in BSPlayer and BSPlayer Android?
*) Current status, today, Aug 2, 2014:
in New Posts there are signs of life from BSPlayer team members
adicoto 2 weeks ago
Ico-man 3 weeks ago
BSPeter not within last4 weeks