This is getting weirder...
I re-check files in the BS-P repertory and sorry i didn't see the "insfiles" one, with "BSplayer.xml" in it... I read/edit that with a text editor, and it seems i was right with the "disappearing act"... here in the file the line is like that:
<subDefaults type="string">1|fre,eng</subDefaults>
So i was glad i found this, i modified to "eng" only and saved... and when i try, BS-P continue to load the French ST even if it is not specified here!... (i tried to add eng then in the option too, but to no avail

I check my original BS-P, and in the .xml there is no mention of "fre" in the Subdefaults line... so the problem doesn't seem to come from here...
Will try some things today and report here!