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Old 16th November 2003
zerold zerold is offline
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Default bsplayer won't load ANYTHING

well I just downloaded the zip file and extracted it and tried to load a file...then it took ALL movie associations (which I hate) and now it won't load any movie file at all...and some movie files it will load them as audio if image at all but it still plays, it just shows a black empty screen...I tried looking all over the forums and even on other forums and google search and everything but it seems that I am the only person having this problem....the movies work in wmp 6/7 and divx player and real player (some movies won't) and quick time...etc etc etc...but NOW bsplayer won't play (show me any visual) on any movie I try to load...can anyone tell me whats wrong or how to fix it this because this is very frustrating...and I noticed I exprienced this same problem on my brother's computer and his is new...I have all the codecs and everything installed...
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