Originally Posted by adicoto Go to options-> preferences -> video -> rendering and try different settings for video rendering.
Try to keep codecs to a minimum, LAV Filters should play about any video file. |
I did, i installed only lav filters and run few videos. Also i already tried different rendering, as i said in first post. I am sure i tried more then 30 combinations of rendering/versions/windows tweaks and nothing helped.
I use win 10 pro
I run vlc, allplayers, windows media etc and they starts fine, on closing it close normal...there is only problem with bs player...i also tried compatibility tab, set win 7,8 on installation pack and on already installed program
I would even do clean windows installation but i did it few days ago, it couldnt be problem...its updated to to 2h2 last v.
I have never problem that program lag on closing so dont know where to start with searching problem...