4th February 2003
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Jan 2003
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BSPlayer crashes on XviD movies (coded is installed)
Hi, I've got a weird problem with BSPlayer: I can't seem to play any XviD-encoded movie.
I certainly installed the right codec (I used the base2091 multimedia essentials v6.2, containing koepi's XviD build of 24 jan 2003). My XviD movies work absolutely fine in other players, like Windows Media Player v6.4 and ZoomPlayer 2.90.
However BSPlayer always crashes as soon as I open an XviD movie, giving this error: BSPlayer v0.86.493, Unhandled exception at EIP: 3552F639
I tried using Overlay mode 1 and 2, none, or Force RGB, but nothing worked. I'm running win2000, and my videocard is a GeForce4 Ti4200 128Mb, DirectX 8.1 + nVidia detonator 30.72 are installed.
Any help?