19th February 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Feb 2003
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ATi+BS Player=Problem!!!
When I snap the picture to the TV[Secondary Display, I do it with Hydravision] screen becomes black, and I can't see no movie playing at the moment!
I have ATi Radeon VE, Catalyst 3.0, DirectX 8.1, ATi Hydravision, Rage3D Tweak, WinXP, and the latest version of the BS Player.
As I said when playing movie on tv I get nothing but black screen, there is sound... I can normaly watch movies on monitor but not on tv although Overlay mode is set to 1.
I beg all the members on this forum who have ATI cards to explain how did they set all the necessary settings.
I have no problems with RadLight player, but as I love BS I want to make it working!