20th July 2010
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 11
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Lag at the end of the movies/videos
i have this problem:
When i watch WHOLE movie, at the end BS player lags and can be only closed via task manager... - cant be closed normally nor can reopen new file...
But if i rewind the video to the end it has no problem with ending and its possible...
I tried everything, turned repeating to off, random etc, multiple instances dont solve my problem, bcs i need to have just 1 working BS player instance instead of 1 bugged and second one lagging bcs of the first one...
Details about me:
Win 7 Ultimate
BS 2.53 PRO (gift from my friend)
trouble with video files (.avi, maybe even .rmvb - but as far as i remember i watched just .avi movies)
Any suggestions?
Thank you very much ;)
// when lagged, BS still needs about 50MB of RAM...