4th July 2002
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 1
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asx files
i can´t play *.asx files
"warning Unkown file format ()"
thanks Quote:
BSPlayer v0.85.488, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004135C5
Application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
List index out of bounds (1)
, 0x004B289F, 0x004B2B01, 0x004520AF, 0x0044971A, 0x77E02E98, 0x77E030E0, 0x77E05824, 0x004C382F, 0x77E87D08
| Quote:
Bytes at EIP: 8B C7 8B 53 0C 8B 14 F2 E8 5E 08 FF FF 5F 5E 5B C3 8B