BSPlayer v0.86.493, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004135D5
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
List index out of bounds (2)
, 0x004B48EF, 0x004B4B69, 0x004520BF, 0x0044972A, 0x77E3A244, 0x77E145E5, 0x77E15B51, 0x004C62AF, 0x77EA847C
Then on the next screen:
Bytes at EIP: 8B C7 8B 53 0C 8B 14 F2 E8 4E 08 FF FF 5F 5E 5B C3 8B
I tried to play a SVCD mounted with Daemon tools on Win2K. If I just play the mpg in WMP6.4, it works just fine.