2nd June 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 2
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subtitle placement pb with bsplayer86
I saw 3 bugs (seem to be at least) in the build 493.
When the movie is displayed in 16:9 format, i.e. with black bands, the player crashes systematically if the text overlaps the bands. I move it with the short cuts Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down. As soon as it reaches the band, boom.
When I change the text size with the arrow short cuts (I set Ctrl+Alt+Numeric +/-), it automatically recovers its shadow. I have to move them to have them displayed correctly.
When I try to jump forward too quickly, the player crashes. I set the jump time to 10 sec and the short cut to Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right. When I do it peacefully (twice a sec for instance), everything's fine.
Has sb experienced the same ?