17th July 2003
Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: May 2003
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Playlist bug?
I have 2 CDROM drives, so when watching (S)VCDs, I most often decide to put the first CD into the first drive (lets call it J:) and the second CD into the second (K:). Then I fire up my favourite movie player (which is BSplayer, of cource ;), open the playlist and first add avseq01.dat from the first cd, then add the avseq.dat from the second cd, so I can watch the whole movie without changing CDs. But when part 1 is over, it won't recognize that the second avseq01.dat is on a different media, so it plays the first part again.. (I guess it's because both files have the same name..)
PS.: thanks for fixing the bug with Ligos MPEG decoder. Well, you said that it's ugly, so I'm pretty curious which ones are better than Ligos..