First, excuse me for my bad english. I'm French.
I never had any troubles with the old versions of BSplayer but with the 086.498 and .499 I often get this message when I watch a movie and want to open a new movie -->
BSPlayer v0.86.499, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0260C8E0
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Access violation at address 0260C8E0 in module 'XVID.AX'. Read of address 03054FCB
, 0x004C8BDB, 0x004C8E55, 0x004526B3, 0x00449D1E, 0xBFF7363B, 0xBFF94407, 0x00768CD6
Do you know what this trouble is ? Thank you !!!