20th August 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Apr 2003
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BSPlayer 500,xvid,divx and subtitles-to bst and mv encoders
after try some changes, after bsplayer works fine on a pc that have divx 505 basic and xvid, i learn that you need set "use old rendering mode" and "force RGB" to bsplayer works fine on a pc that have divx pro 502. and just works fine with this codec if you do that. others players can play fine, so i believe that this be something on bsplayer. well, you can say "change to divx 505". well, i know that this will works. but me and a lot of guys have a basic problem: we do movies. if we do choosing divx 505, a lot of guys that download movies from us, will be unable to play our movies. so, please, bst, fix this.
about subtitles, i don't know exactly why, but after someone edit some subtitles files (like .srt and .sub) with wordpad and save any change on "??, ?•, Ä?, ??" and others of same kind, this characters are show wrong on screen. why? i really don't know. but works fine if this same characters are typed choosing notepad. perhaps something on bsplayer, but this i cant fix by myself.