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Old 23rd July 2002
Junior Member
BS.Player Newbie
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 5
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henrikba is an unknown quantity at this point
Default 3 crash reports

I have three crash reports for you. Allmost all my files work OK in BSPlayer, but these three all create a BSPLayer crash when I try to open them. The files work allright in Windows Media Player.

* 1st file: "sisters of mercy - this corrosion.avi" (16Â*412Â*160 bytes)

BSPlayer v0.85.488, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0048F80C
Application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Access violation at address 0048F80C in module 'bplay.exe'. Read of address
, 0x004B289F, 0x004B2B01, 0x004520AF, 0x0044971A, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E142EB,
0x77E1458D, 0x77B56535, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56513, 0x77B81959, 0x77B56454,
0x77B56374, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E12F29, 0x77E12F4F, 0x77FA032F, 0x77E14BB8,
0x00449629, 0x00437803, 0x0044C1DF, 0x0043756B, 0x0044971A, 0x77E11B60,
0x77E142EB, 0x77E1458D, 0x77B56535, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56513, 0x77B81959,
0x77B56454, 0x77B56374, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E12F29, 0x77E12F4F, 0x77FA032F,
0x0044C1DF, 0x0043756B, 0x0044971A, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E142EB, 0x77E1458D,
0x77B56535, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56513, 0x77B81959, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56374,
0x77E11B60, 0x77E12F29, 0x77E12F4F, 0x77FA032F, 0x00434EA8, 0x0044C1DF,
0x00434CEF, 0x004374CC, 0x00437537, 0x0044C1DF, 0x00434CEF, 0x00433C59,
0x004C382F, 0x77E8D326

Bytes at EIP: 8B 00 FF 10 8D 45 B0 50 8B 45 C8 50 8B 00 FF 50 1C DD

* 2nd file: "Skinny Puppy - Spasmolytic (video).asf" (9Â*240Â*845 bytes)

BSPlayer v0.85.488, Unhandled exception at EIP: 051C4CCF
Application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Floating point division by zero
, 0x004B289F, 0x004B2B01, 0x004520AF, 0x0044971A, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E142EB,
0x77E1458D, 0x77B56535, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56513, 0x77B81959, 0x77B56454,
0x77B56374, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E12F29, 0x77E12F4F, 0x77FA032F, 0x77E14BB8,
0x00449629, 0x00437803, 0x0044C1DF, 0x0043756B, 0x0044971A, 0x77E11B60,
0x77E142EB, 0x77E1458D, 0x77B56535, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56513, 0x77B81959,
0x77B56454, 0x77B56374, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E12F29, 0x77E12F4F, 0x77FA032F,
0x0044C1DF, 0x0043756B, 0x0044971A, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E142EB, 0x77E1458D,
0x77B56535, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56513, 0x77B81959, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56374,
0x77E11B60, 0x77E12F29, 0x77E12F4F, 0x77FA032F, 0x00434EA8, 0x0044C1DF,
0x00434CEF, 0x004374CC, 0x00437537, 0x0044C1DF, 0x00434CEF, 0x00433C59,
0x004C382F, 0x77E8D326

Bytes at EIP: DC 3D 58 63 1D 05 DD 9E D0 00 00 00 DF 69 28 DD 9E E0

* 3rd file: "front line assembly MILLENium.AVI" (46Â*007Â*384 bytes)

BSPlayer v0.85.488, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0048F80C
Application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Access violation at address 0048F80C in module 'bplay.exe'. Read of address
, 0x004B289F, 0x004B2B01, 0x004520AF, 0x0044971A, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E142EB,
0x77E1458D, 0x77B56535, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56513, 0x77B81959, 0x77B56454,
0x77B56374, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E12F29, 0x77E12F4F, 0x77FA032F, 0x77E14BB8,
0x00449629, 0x00437803, 0x0044C1DF, 0x0043756B, 0x0044971A, 0x77E11B60,
0x77E142EB, 0x77E1458D, 0x77B56535, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56513, 0x77B81959,
0x77B56454, 0x77B56374, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E12F29, 0x77E12F4F, 0x77FA032F,
0x0044C1DF, 0x0043756B, 0x0044971A, 0x77E11B60, 0x77E142EB, 0x77E1458D,
0x77B56535, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56513, 0x77B81959, 0x77B56454, 0x77B56374,
0x77E11B60, 0x77E12F29, 0x77E12F4F, 0x77FA032F, 0x00434EA8, 0x0044C1DF,
0x00434CEF, 0x004374CC, 0x00437537, 0x0044C1DF, 0x00434CEF, 0x00433C59,
0x004C382F, 0x77E8D326

Bytes at EIP: 8B 00 FF 10 8D 45 B0 50 8B 45 C8 50 8B 00 FF 50 1C DD

If you need the files or some more info, jusk ask!

And btw, I run Windows 2000 (latest SP) an an AMD Athlon T-bird@900.
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