i use subrip to rip subtitles.
the problem is that it has problems to find the right accents on the letters.
e.g. a "?©" can become a "Ä?", a "??" can become a "?•" etc.
so i used notepad (winXPpro) to correct some subtitles but now i cant change the font size, style, color etc under bsplayer. i tried the different formats of notepad (unicode, UTF-8 etc)(and renamed as .srt) but i cant have them working normally. if i use the function "subtitles/increase(or decrease) font size the subtitles just move up or down, but the size is still the same (small).
the most strange is that if i load a film with subt that works normally and load one that bugs by making a drag n drop, it works normally some times, and some times there is even no subtitles.
makes me mad
a solution ? maybe .srt are a particular file format ?