12th November 2003
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 13
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[BUG 1.0 RC1] 2 VGA / 2 CRT: Remember Positions
I'm Using a 2 VGA / 2 CRT Setup here.
To be specific:
Windows 2000 SP 2, a Geforce 2 MX 400 AGP as primary card and an ATI Rage 2c PCI (chip is called 2c AGP, but the card is PCI).
I'm used to have the video on my primary screen and the controls on the secondary. Build 501 satisfied me - clip on primary CRT, controls on secondary. But build 800 places both on secondary CRT everytime I start BSPlayer, forgetting that I moved the video-window to the first one.
I'd like to have the 501' behavior back...