BSPlayer v1.00.803, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0041C342
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Canvas does not allow drawing
, 0x004E746F, 0x004E766D, 0x00453527, 0x0044A872, 0xBFBCB402, 0xBFBB3A84, 0xBFBB3FF9, 0xBFBB3DFF, 0xBFB8D73D, 0xBFBB3FF9, 0xBFBB3ECD, 0xBFF63613, 0xBFF848F7, 0x0000C6DC
Why do i keep getting this error???it's getting to be really frustrating for me,cos when it appears,it not only blocks the movie screen,it will also close down if i click on "close".
it just keeps re=appearing after clicking "continue" so i have no choice but to close it.
someone plzz help,thanks!