i'm spanish speaker so i always use subtitles, in the 086.501 version of bsplayer none of the following bugs happen (i'm using v100.805 now):
1. in the movie american pie 2 when the people speak so the subtitles are displayed the latest subtitle pops up every time an incidental song is playing and the singer say a word (i know this sound weird but...).
2. when using the aspect ratio cycle in fullscreen the subtitles that are displayed behind the fullscreen mode bsplayer skin remains there even when they are supposed to dissapear, i have to quit fullscreen and turn it on again to delete the subtitles from the screen. this not only happens with the aspect radio cycle feature, always when in fullscreen a subtiles is displayed behind the player skin they remain there and is very annoying.
3. could you make a feature to move the subtitles up and down just dragging it with the mouse pointer?, i'm not talking about custom position, i want a simple dragging subtitles without the need to surf into the player menus.
that's all, forgive my awful english, i'm spanish speaker. please answer this, no matter what the answer be.
ps. i'll use v086.501 for now, altough i really liked the 1.xx versions.